14 nov 2014 Berlinde over. haar paarden: 'Paarden zijn zoveel méér dood dan mensen. Dat grote dode ding spreekt tot de verbeelding. Een dood paard is de
Die belgische Künstlerin Berlinde De Bruyckere (geb. 1964) zählt mit ihren eindrücklichen Skulpturen, die den menschlichen Körper in seiner rohen Schönheit 7 april 2015 Naar de tentoonstelling van werken van Berlinde de Bruyckere Berlinde de Bruyckere is verder ook bekend om haar werk met paarden en 5. Juli 2015 Berlinde de Bruyckere. The Embalmer. Die historische Montagehalle des Kunstraum Dornbirn bildet Rahmen und Bühne für neu geschaffene 15. Febr. 2015 Berlinde De Bruyckere (geb. 1964 in Gent) wurde durch zahlreiche. Ausstellungen u. a. in Montreal, Melbourne, Istanbul, Bern, Graz und Gent Das Werk von Berlinde De Bruyckere geht im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes unter die Haut. Ihre Skulpturen und Installationen führen die Verletzlichkeit des
Berlinde De Bruyckere (SMAK) - YouTube Dec 09, 2014 · In the studio of Berlinde De Bruyckere - Duration: 29:06. ARTtube 16,268 views. 29:06. Berlinde De Bruyckere Interview: Surfaces are Containers of the Souls - Duration: 6:49. 97 beste afbeeldingen van Berlinde De Bruyckere ... Berlinde de Bruyckere Schmerzensmann IV, 2006 Epoxy, wax and iron 415 x 102 x 98 cm / 163 x 40 x 38 in Schmerzensmann IV by Berlinde De Bruyckere on Curiator, the world's biggest collaborative art collection. Berlinde de Bruyckere - her work is some of the only contemporary art dealing with figure that i connect to really viscerally. BERLINDE DE BRUYCKERE | Archive | EXHIBITIONS | Leopold … The Belgian artist Berlinde De Bruyckere’s (born 1964) impressive sculptures, which present the human body in its raw beauty and vulnerability, make her one of the most internationally famous sculptors today. With her seemingly timeless figures De Bruyckere addresses existential questions of life and death as well as pain and suffering and Biography of Berlinde De Bruyckere | Widewalls
Berlinde De Bruyckere - Artist's Profile - The Saatchi Gallery An unsettling, reconfigured concept of the body, helpless yet contorted, takes centre stage in Berlinde de Bruyckere’s faceless sculptures. Abject deformation is turned into beauty as if the artist is trying to wrestle a shape from abstract form. Berlinde De Bruyckere - Wikipedia Berlinde De Bruyckere (born 1964) is a Belgian contemporary artist.. De Bruyckere specializes in sculpture in various media including wax, wood, wool, horse skin and hair, though she also works in watercolour, gouache, and since the early 1990s many of her major works have featured structures involving blankets.Their use is symbolic both of warmth and shelter, and of the vulnerable Artists — Berlinde De Bruyckere - Hauser & Wirth Working with casts made of wax, animal skins, hair, textiles, metal and wood, Berlinde De Bruyckere renders haunting distortions of organic forms. The vulnerability and fragility of man, the suffering body – both human and animal – and the overwhelming power of nature are some of the core motifs of De Bruyckere’s oeuvre. 120 beste afbeeldingen van "Berlinde de Bruyckere ...
This is Belgium: Berlinde de Bruyckere Dec 03, 2012 · My friend Carine, who now lives in Nairobi, shared the above photograph of this major sculpture of one of Belgium's most interesting artists, Berlinde de Bruyckere. The lifesize representation of a horse is now on display in the residence of the Belgian Ambassador there. Berlinde De Bruyckere on Vimeo Belgian artist Berlinde De Bruyckere (b. 1964) creates sculptures that reveal the human body and human life in all its frailty. Her installations of equine and human… toon blogt: Berlinde de Bruyckere: Lost Het is een gruwelijke voorstelling van dood en oorlogsgeweld, want daar is het paard bij Berlinde de Bruyckere het symbool bij uitstek voor. Tegelijk krijg je een voorstelling van wat die oorlog aanricht: je hoeft maar te kijken.
Berlinde De Bruyckere - Untitled, 1992 | Phillips