Comparatives and superlatives Interactive worksheets
Comparative and Superlative Forms Lesson Plan The correct use of the comparative and superlative forms is a key ingredient when students are learning how to express their opinion or make comparative judgments. The following lesson focuses on first building understanding of the structure - and of the similarity between the two forms - inductively, as most students are at least passively familiar with the forms. OBPG unit 70–90 FP.qxd 08/09/05 06:48 Page 154 71 ... PAGE 154 • ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS 71 Comparative adjectives 1 Look at the way we compare things: The Plaza Hotel is cheaper than the Excelsior. The Excelsior Hotel is bigger than the Plaza. The Excelsior is more expensive than the Plaza. The Plaza Hotel is smaller than the Excelsior. 2 Cheaper and more expensive are comparative adjectives. We form them like this: Comparatives & Superlatives Grammar Topic, Page 1 - ESL ...
English ESL comparatives worksheets - Most downloaded (312 ... A collection of English ESL worksheets for home learning, online practice, distance learning and English classes to teach about comparatives, comparatives English ESL library worksheets - Most downloaded (23 Results) A collection of English ESL worksheets for home learning, online practice, distance learning and English classes to teach about library, library COMPARATIVES AND SUPERLATIVES - ESL worksheet by Katiana COMPARATIVES AND SUPERLATIVES worksheet . High Quality ESL Lesson Plans - Free Samples - $26 Membership Be a better teacher! Hundreds of PDF lesson plans. Grammar, reading, vocabulary, speaking. All with comprehensive Teacher Notes included. Zero preparation time required. Listening lesson plans with mp3 files also available.
ESL Conversation Lesson Questions: Free classroom handouts. English lesson on COMPARATIVES. Use for debates, discussions, speaking, … ESL Puzzles: Comparatives Search Puzzle ESL Puzzles: Comparatives Search Puzzle Vocabulary List more beautiful more expensive more careless shorter cheaper heavier happier further taller higher hotter fatter bigger sadder wetter lazier better wider worse less more ESL Conversation Questions - Comparatives ESL Role Plays: Check out role play book specifically designed for ESL / EFL classes. It’s packed with 50 role plays and is perfect for small or large classes. Pick it up and use one of the role plays in your next class. Available on: Amazon (paper back / … Comparatives Spanish Worksheets & Teaching Resources | TpT This game is great for practicing conversation and comparatives in Spanish. It involves placing larger and smaller items in stacks and comparing them. The first time you play requires some preparation (printing and cutting cards) and working with the kids a …
These are direct links to all the comparatives and superlatives online activities on this site. ESL Games for Student Practice and Classroom Teaching. Interactive Practice. Practice different Verb Tenses (Present simple tense, present… Practice prepositions (for, in, to, from, by, at, on, since,… Practice Food Quantities (Partitives - a English ESL comparatives worksheets - Most downloaded (312 ... A collection of English ESL worksheets for home learning, online practice, distance learning and English classes to teach about comparatives, comparatives English ESL library worksheets - Most downloaded (23 Results) A collection of English ESL worksheets for home learning, online practice, distance learning and English classes to teach about library, library
Comparative and superlative adjectives | LearnEnglish ...